
Hilda Jacob
Memorial Candle Tribute From
Dods & McNair Funeral Home, Chapel & Reception Centre
"We are honored to provide this Book of Memories to the family."
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Condolence From: Barbara and John Horvath
Condolence: Kathryn, Avi and the rest of the family.
Sending you our sympathies as you bid farewell to your mom. Holding you all in the Light -
Barbara and John
Saturday March 11, 2017
Condolence From: Beverley Robinson
Condolence: Kathryn Avi and family.
Sending condolences to your entire family. I did not know your mother personally but I often heard stories abut her and all the wonderful care she gave to those in her charge. May she rest in peace
Friday March 10, 2017
Condolence From: Marilyn
Condolence: I am extremely lucky to work at the Wellington Terrace and Hilda was in the area where I work most frequently. I just wanted to say that she will be missed. Hilda was a kind and gentle soul and well loved by all of us on the Birchdale wing. I was lucky enough to be working the day she passed and had an opportunity to say goodbye. She certainly gave all of us a colourful place to work, full of smiles and laughter.
Thursday March 09, 2017
Condolence From: Mark, Xander, Gloria and Pixie van Trigt
Condolence: Dear Kathryn and family
So sorry for your loss. We are thinking of you.
Thursday March 09, 2017
Condolence From: Stephen and Jennifer Chandler
Condolence: We have fond memories of Hilda and Weston as neighbours on Forest Park Road.....and the wonderful contribution they made to the lives of children in care.Our thoughts are with their family.
Thursday March 09, 2017
Condolence From: Eleanor (Bahr) Stringer
Condolence: Very sorry to hear about the loss of your dear Mom. She was a wonderful neighbour to my Mom for 25 years. May she rest in peace.
Cherishing good memories.
Wednesday March 08, 2017
Condolence From: Carol Riddell
Condolence: Thoughts are with all the family on the loss of what sounds like a wonderful person whose heart was full of love for her own children and all those she fostered
Wednesday March 08, 2017
Condolence From: Kathy Kryklywy
Condolence: I am sorry to hear of your families loss. While I never met "Kathryn's mom" personally everyone in my family has been "wrapped in her love" through beautiful afghans she made.
A special woman in many ways.
Wednesday March 08, 2017
Condolence From: Nina Little
Condolence: I first met Hilda early 1979 during the first year in my "Infant Stimulation" role. Little did I know how dear she and her family would become to me. She and Weston welcomed me when Jeffrey joined their family, and shared many drives to Sick Kids (HSC)for therapy enjoying long chats along the way. We learned so much together with this special little guy! I also had the privilege to visit other children fostered by Hilda and Weston, and by Hilda after her dear Weston passed away. Their own children wrapped around their foster children as well - this was an entire family welcoming so many little ones! 'Mommy Hilda' was also quick to offer to babysit my own daughters while I worked, feeding them the best food, getting toilet training moving, and magically getting them to nap without fuss - a baby whisperer of sorts.... knitting or rug hooking all the while. Hilda was a loving, outspoken advocate for the little ones! Her impact is everlasting and she will not be forgotten. With love, Nina, Ayla & Ariel
Wednesday March 08, 2017

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