In Memory of






Your friends at Butter and Cup
Please accept our condolences - you have been and will continue to be in our thoughts and prayers. Know that you always have a place to come and sit and be among friends here. Your friends at Butter and Cup and Renew Church
2017-12-07 11:32:45
Karly, Scott, Theresa, Dave, Geoff and Brad
You are with angels now and while you are in better place, you will forever be in our thoughts and prayers.
2017-12-06 13:38:28
Cindy , Stephanie, Scott, Alana, Laila
God Bless forever with us and in our hearts everyday minute everyday. We love you Nixxon .
2017-12-02 21:12:14
The Galdes Family
Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
2017-12-02 14:43:29