In Memory of





Condolence From: Maureen Kutcher
Condolence: Gloria and Amanda, I was deeply saddened to hear about the sickness, and loss of Jack. He was such a wonderful, caring and giving person. When I moved away from next door, I deeply missed Jack coming to my rescue every time I needed help. I am so sorry that you Gloria and Amanda have lost such a great love in your lives. I will keep all of you in my thoughts and prayers at this difficult time. Maureen.
Friday September 23, 2016
Condolence From: Kim McMillan
Condolence: To Gloria, Amanda,and the family... Our thoughts and deepest sympathies are with you all at this time. Kim and Rob Moore
Thursday September 22, 2016
Condolence From: Dave Clement (Helen M Clement)
Condolence: To: Gloria, Amanda, Donna and Cathy, The passing of Jack came as a terrible shock to me last night when I recieved your call Gloria. Jack was a very good friend all be it we did not have a lot of contact simply due to the distance. I am so glad you asked me to speak at Jack's funeral Gloria. We had many good times in our teens and early 20' some of which I will share with you on Tueday. Our deepest condolences to all of you at this difficult time. Dave Clement and Laurie(Dunbar)
Thursday September 22, 2016