In Memory of






Condolence From: Barbara Ann and John Stotsenburg
Condolence: John and I first knew Grace when she moved to the 5th line next to my mother Ethel Coles. A highlight for us was our many New Years celebrations at Windy Acres when we always played Charades. We were fortunate to have Grace and Burt visit us in London England. On our many visits to Orangeville, Grace always made time to have us for dinner or tea and I will remember her charm and beauty. We will miss Grace and know how difficult it is at this time for Karen and Grace's other friends and family to say goodbye. We wish we could participate today at her memorial service. Be at peace, Grace.
Monday November 14, 2016
Condolence From: Arnold and Mary Meeds
Condolence: I had the pleasure of meeting Grace on two occasions when visiting Karen in Orangeville from BC. Grace was an active participant in life. She surrounded herself with loyal, good friends who celebrated her milestone birthday. She enjoyed conversations. laughter and fun times through playing bridge, trips to Value Village and lunches out.
Monday October 31, 2016
Condolence From: Norma Rayner
Condolence: Grace you were such a spark in my life. I will miss you forever and I will cherish the time we had together. A little bird sent me a message the day after you passed. I believe they were telling me that you are now at peace. That brought such joy to my heart. Love you, Norma.
Sunday October 30, 2016